Marisa Fernandez Martinez

Department of Modern Languages

Mailing Address:
Department of Modern Languages
Campus Box 178
P. O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

Physical Location:
Auraria Campus,
Plaza Building Suite 118A

Office Hours:

Tuesdays, 1:00-3:00 pm at:

By appointment by email

Ph.D. University of California, Irvine - Contemporary (Spanish) Peninsular Literature and Film.
M.A. University of Colorado Boulder - Spanish Literature
B.A. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain - Spanish Philology


Professional Development:

Certificate in Effective College Instruction. ACUE. The Association of College and University Educators and The American Council of Education. Online. 2019

Herramientas TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) para el aula de ELE (Enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera) Academia Iria Flavia. Instituto Cervantes. July 2018

C.U. Online Training. Online Skills Mastery. April 2015

Marisa is from Ferrol, in Galicia, Spain. Her areas of study are Contemporary (Spanish) Peninsular Literature and Visual Studies, in particular Film and Photography. She is also very interested in Women´s Studies, Gender and Age Studies, and Immigration to and from Spain.

She has designed a new online Certificate in Spanish for the Healthcare Professions, aimed at enhancing communication between healthcare personnel and their Spanish speaking patients and clients.

Refereed Book:

El medio fotográfico en la narrativa de Antonio Muñoz Molina. Vigo: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2014.

Refereed Publications:

“La mujer, la memoria y el cine: La sugestión fetichista en Tango, de Carlos Saura.” Hispanic Journal, 2017. 38-1.

"La ciudad como itinerario infernal: la Mágina de Plenilunio, de Antonio Muñoz Molina." La tragedia del vivir: dolor y mal en la literatura hispánica. Ed. Ricardo de la Fuente, Jesús Pérez Magallón and Francisco Estévez. Valladolid: Verdelís, 2014. 93-102.

"La inmigración en la España contemporánea a través del cine: de Las cartas de Alou(1990) a Biutiful (2010)." Otherness in Hispanic Culture. Ed. Teresa Fernández Ulloa. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 273-288.

"«Ut pictura poesis»: Lo plástico y lo transitorio en la prosa azoriniana de La Voluntad(1902)." Bulletin of Spanish Studies. XC 2 (2013): 195-210.

"The Heroic Figure of the Anarchist miliciana in the Spanish Civil War: Vicente Aranda’s Libertarias." The Image of the Hero II in Literature, Media and Society: Proceedings of the 2010 Conference of the Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery. Ed. Will Wright and Steven Kaplan. Pueblo: Colorado State University, 2010. 255-258.

"Tractado de Amores de Arnalte e Lucenda de Diego de San Pedro: sobre la narración en primera persona." Lemir. Universitat de València. 14 (2010): 217-224.

"La fotografía y la memoria en El jinete polaco de Antonio Muñoz Molina." Boletín de la biblioteca de Menéndez Pelayo. LXXXIV (2008): 433-454.

"La representación de la mujer en los orígenes de la ficción detectivesca española: El Clavode Alarcón." Las representaciones de la mujer en Ia cultura hispánica. Ed. K.M Sibbald and R. de la Fuente. Valladolid: Universitas Castellae, 2002. 133-139.

"La proximidad de los fantasmas: Beatus Ille y El jinete polaco de Antonio Muñoz Molina." Versants: Revue Suisse des Litteratures Romanes. 31 (1997): 77-106.

SPAN 1000 Introduction to Cultures of the Spanish Speaking World, Maymester (International College of Beijing, China)

SPAN 1020 Beginning Spanish II

SPAN 1070 Spanish Medical Conversation for Beginners

SPAN 2110 Second Year Spanish I

SPAN 2120 Second Year Spanish II

SPAN 3010 Advanced Conversation and Composition I

SPAN 3221 Culture and Civilization of Spain I

SPAN 3222 Culture and Civilization of Spain II

SPAN 3223* Contemporary Spanish Culture and Institutions.

SPAN 3252 Introduction to the Study of Literature (In Spanish)

SPAN 3740 Spanish for the Healthcare Professions I

SPAN 3750 Spanish for the Healthcare Professions II

UNHL-3995-M91* Global Study. Cultures of Contemporary Spain. Maymester. (University of Granada, Spain)

SPAN 4110/5110 Contemporary Spanish Literature

SPAN 4150/5150 Masterpieces of Spanish Literature

SPAN 4230/5230 Modern Culture of Spain through Film and Narrative.

SPAN 4399/5399 Special Topics. (Spanish Social Cinema Post-Franco)

SPAN 4970/5970* Interculturalism/Transnationalism in Modern Spain

SPAN 4970/5970* Women and the Spanish Civil War

Denotes courses that I added to the University curriculum.