Gabriela De Robles

De Robles
Department of Modern Languages

Mailing Address:
Department of Modern Languages
Campus Box 178
P. O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

Physical Location:
Auraria Campus,
Plaza Building Suite 118

118- C

Office Hours:

Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:00-3:00pm


Ph.D. Georgetown University – Spanish Linguistics
M.A. Georgetown University – Spanish Linguistics
B.A. Regis University – Spanish & Sociology 

DeRobles, G. (In preparation for Special Issue of Modern Language Journal, M. Driver & J. Prada,  eds.). Heritage language learners’ voices on written corrective feedback: Evidence on linguistic  insecurity and affect.

DeRobles, G., & Bistline-Bonilla, C. (2022). Teletandem vs. Face-to-Face in the L2 Classroom: The Effect of Type of Media on Complexity and Accuracy. The ESPecialist43(1).

Castro, O., & DeRobles, G. (2018). El" continuum" oralidad-“literacidad” en entornos biculturales y  bilingües: el gallego y el español nuevo mexicano tradicional. Madrygal: Revista de Estudios Gallegos21, 33.

Bistline-Bonilla, C., DeRobles, G., & Xu, Y.  Recasts in SCMC: Replicating and extending Gurzynski-Weiss et al. (2016). In R. P. Leow (Ed.), SLR Handbook of Classroom Learning:  Processing and Processes. London: Routledge.


SPAN 1000      Introduction to Cultures of the Spanish-Speaking World 

SPAN 2110      Second Year Spanish  

SPAN 3025      Writing for Latinos I 

SPAN 3026      Writing for Latinos II* 

SPAN 3030      Oral Proficiency  

SPAN 3700      Spanish for International Business I 

SPAN 3700       Spanish for International Business II 

SPAN 3010      Advanced Conversation and Composition I 

SPAN 3020      Advanced Conversation and Composition II 

SPAN 3782      Introduction to Translation I 

SPAN 3792      Introduction to Translation II 

LING 2000      Foundations of Linguistics 

LING 3100      Language in Society  

Denotes courses that I added to the University curriculum.