French Minor

Why study French?

French gives you options.  It broadens and enriches your experience.  It is a priceless tool for doing what makes us human: creating meaning and connecting with other humans.  As A.I. continues to get better and better at everything data-driven, speaking a second (or third!) language helps us double down on what A.I. cannot do.

French is spoken today by more than 200 million people throughout the world.  In addition to France, it is an official language of many African nations, other European countries, and multiple Caribbean islands; Canada is officially bilingual. 

French is an international language and is one of the official working languages in many diplomatic and international organizations, including the United Nations, Doctors Without Borders, the International Olympic Committee, the World Health Organization, the International Red Cross, and the World Trade Organization.  

As a political and business superpower, France has long been one of the top ten economies in the world.  It is an important partner with the U.S., and numerous American corporations have a presence in France (and vice versa).  Ford, McDonald’s, Disney, and Coca-Cola are just a handful of the corporations that employ thousands of people in France.  It is an acknowledged leader in the high-tech and scientific fields and has a long and storied history in the arts, architecture, design, cuisine, and fashion.  

The French program offers courses in advanced language, linguistics, literature, civilization, culture and business, all taught exclusively in French. Students benefit from a state-of-the-art language lab with Internet access and multimedia software programs, as well as technologically "smart" classrooms.

French minors are strongly encouraged to participate in one of UC Denver's Study Abroad Programs. Please see a faculty member in French for information about opportunities to include study abroad as part of your minor.

Admission and Grade Requirements

To be admitted to minor status in French, students must have an overall GPA of C+ (2.3). The minimum grade acceptable in any French course applied to a French minor is C- (1.7). The average grade in all courses applied to a French minor at UC Denver must be 2.5. No courses taken on a pass/fail basis may be credited toward a French minor.

Upon declaring a minor in French, each student will be assigned to a faculty advisor with whom the student should consult at least once per semester thereafter. It is especially important that students have their transcripts reviewed by their advisor before enrolling in their final 30 credit hours at UC Denver. Failure to do so may result in delay of graduation.

Students presenting four years if high school French (Level IV) for admission to UCD must see a French advisor before enrolling in courses for the minor. Students with Advanced Placement credits from high school or CLEP credits should see a French advisor about course equivalencies.

Requirements for the French Minor

Students minoring in French must complete 15 semester hours of upper division French courses (courses numbered 3000 and above). A minimum of nine of these semester hours must be taken from the faculty in French at UC Denver. Courses taken at other institutions while a student is enrolled at UC Denver may be applied to the minor only with departmental approval before enrollment in those courses.

The minor in French must include at least one language skills class, chosen from the following (all are three credit hours):

  • French 3010, French Phonetics and Pronunciation
  • French 3020, Oral Practice
  • French 3050, Advanced Grammar & Composition
  • French 3060, Advanced French Language Skills

In addition, students with a minor in French must select and complete 12 hours of French electives.

French Courses Offered

French Minor Information Flyer


For More information Please contact:

Alyssa Martoccio

Plaza Building, 118