The Social Justice Graduate Certificate offers individuals concerned with the social equity, inclusiveness, and diversity an educational opportunity and a micro-credential in the area of Social Justice studies. With exponential growth concern and activism around national and global injustices, a rising generation of post-graduates wants to understand better the effects of destructive public discourse, social and political division and conflict, and just citizenship in history, practice, and theory. The Social Justice Graduate Certificate provides graduate students across CU Denver and beyond the University access to world-class CU Denver faculty whose teaching, research, and public engagement utilizes ethics and social justice values in the interest of creating a better society. Students pursuing the Social Justice Graduate Certificate must successfully complete 4 thematically related, social justice oriented graduate courses (12-credit hours), selected in consultation with an advisor. Through coursework, they gain critical, analytic, and ethical reasoning skills and knowledge to address social inequities, enhance career development, and effect change for social good. As a graduate interdisciplinary studies certificate, coursework may derive from a range of departments and programs at CU Denver. Courses can hang together thematically or disciplinarily according to a student’s interest in Social Justice (see sample courses below).
Target Audience
The primary target audience is Humanities and Social Sciences graduate students across CLAS who seek personal enrichment, career advancement, or added value to their primary master’s or PhD degrees. Equally important, however, are graduate students in non- CLAS, CU Denver schools and colleges and non-CU Denver post-baccalaureates who seek understanding and familiarity in theories and practices of social justice. The Social Justice Graduate Certificate will benefit those in vocations law, advocacy organizations, educator in K-12, and non-profits, among others.
Dr. Lorna Hutchison, MH/MSS Assistant Director
Dr. Margaret L. Woodhull, MH Assistant Professor
Dr. Ryan Crewe, History Dept., Social Justice Minor Director
Courses in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences:
ANTH 6041 Human Genetics: Legal, Ethical and Social Issues
COMM 5040 Communication, Prisons, and Social Justice
COMM 6400 Communication, Globalization and Social Justice
ENGL/HIST/WGST 5306: Survey of Feminist Thought
ENGL/PHIL/WGST 5308: Contemporary Feminist Thought
ETST/RLST 5030 Race, Religion, and Belonging
ETST 5165 Cultural Diversity in the Workforce
ETST/WGST 5305 Women of Color Feminisms
HBSC 6320 Human Genetics: Legal, Ethical and Social Issues
HIST 5308 Crime, Policing, and Justice in American History
HIST 5343 Women & Gender in US History
HIST 5414 Mexico and the US: People and Politics on the Border
HIST 5415 Social Revolutions in Latin America
HUMN 5242 Bioethics
HUMN 5720 Sexuality, Gender, and Visual Representations
HUMN 5770 Imperialism, Post-colonialism, and Visual Discourse
PHIL 5200 Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 5242 Bioethics
PHIL 5450 Punishment and Social Justice
PHIL 5500 Feminist Philosophy
PSCI 5011 GIS in Political Science
PSCI 5145 Indigenous Politics
PSCI 5217 Human Rights in Theory and Practice
PSCI 5245 Gender, Globalization and Development
PSCI 5265 Social Justice And Globalization
PSCI 5276 Conflicts and Rights in International Law
PSCI 5477 The U.S. Constitution: Law and Politics
PSCI 5548 Labor Law and Collective Bargaining
PSCI 5550 Labor, Trade Unions and the Global Economy
PSCI 5555 International Women's Resistance
PSCI 5808 Strategies of Peacebuilding
PSCI 5837 Contemporary Issues in Civil Liberties
SSCI 5325 First Amendment: Theory and Context
SSCI 5540 Law, Diversity and Community in United States History
SJUS 5050 Special Topics: Social Justice
SOCY 5590 Crime, Justice, and the City
SOCY 5020 - Race, Culture and Immigration
SOCY 5050 Health Disparities
SOCY 5110 Sociology of Health Care
SOCY 5270 Sociall Meanings of Reproduction
SOCY 5440 Poverty and Social Inequality
SOCY 5460 Hate Groups and Group Violence
SOCY 5590 Crime, Justice, and the City
SOCY 5740 Courts & Society
SOCY 5750 Criminology
SSCI 5242 Bioethics
WGST 5248 Gender, Globalization and Development
WGST 5343 Women & Gender in US History
WGST 5500 Feminist Philosophy
WGST 5555 International Women's Resistance
Non-CLAS Courses:
ARCH 6258/ LDAR 6637 Social Justice in Planning
CLDE 5040 Social Justice Liberation: A Rehearsal for the Revolution
CLDE 5170 Race, Class and Culture in Public Schools
CLDE 7220 Legal And Policy Foundations For Latin@ Students
CLDE 7320 (Re)Claiming Dominant Narratives: History, Education, & Activism in Latinx
COUN 5500 Diversity, Inclusion, Social Justice in Higher Education
CRJU 5005 Law & Society
CRJU 5552 Criminal Justice Ethics
CRJU 5553 Women, Crime, and Justice
CRJU 5572 Race, Crime, and Justice
CRJU 5710 Environmental Crime and Justice
ECED 5091 Educators as Social Change Agents
EDFN 5000 Food Justice in City & Schools
EDFN 5001 Problematizing Whiteness: Educating for Racial Justice
EDFN 5010 Social Foundations and Cultural Diversity in Urban Education
EDFN 7410 Power and Privilege: The Social Construction of Difference
EDUC 5652 Leadership for Equity/Social Justice
HDFR 5010 Family and Cultural Diversity
HDFR 5260 Family Systems Social Justice
HDFR 7260 Family Diversity and Social Justice
ISMG 6880 Intrusion Detection and Incident Response
MGMT 6420 Ethics: A Formula for Success
MSRA 5545 Music Editing in Visual Media
PUAD 5120 Nonprofits and Public Policy
PUAD 5410 Administrative Law
URPL 6410 Social Justice in Planning
For more information contact:
Dr. Lorna Hutchison, MH/MSS Assistant Director, lorna.hutchison@ucdenver.edu OR Ryan Crewe, Assoc. Prof., History, ryan.crewe@ucdenver.ed