Dr. Ringer is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Psychology at the University of Colorado Denver. He completed his undergraduate (B.S.) and graduate (M.S., Ph.D.) degrees in Psychological Sciences at Kansas State University with Dr. Lester Loschky. Most recently, Dr. Ringer worked as a postdoctoral fellow in Human Factors at Wichita State University with Dr. Rui Ni, as part of the CNAP (Center for Neurobiological Approaches to Plasticity), an NIH-funded research center. He is currently working under the supervision of Dr. Carly Leonard in the Laboratory for Integrative Vision. Dr. Ringer’s research encompasses visual processing from low-level perception to high-level cognition, with a strong emphasis on measuring human performance in real-world tasks and environments (e.g., natural scene processing, driving and attention, event comprehension, etc.).