Marjorie Levine-Clark, Professor and Associate Dean, is pursuing a new research project tentatively titled Unemployment, Health, and the Body in Britain: From the New Poor Law to Thatcher. Levine-Clark is interested in examining how unemployment effects people’s health; how the relationships between unemployment and health shape identities in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, and class; and how we understand unemployment as an embodied phenomenon, meaning something people experience through their bodies. Levine-Clark sees this project as bringing together elements of her first two books –the focus on the body and health found in Beyond the Reproductive Body and the focus on unemployment of Unemployment, Welfare, and Masculine Citizenship. She has written papers on the new material such as “’I Couldn’t Recognize Myself’: Unemployment, Health, and Masculinity in 20th-Century Britain,” and “’Unemployment in My Practice’: Physicians’ Perspectives on Unemployment and Health in 1980s Britain.”