The Auraria Library website and your student account give you access to several databases where you can find primary sources.
Getting there is easy:
- Click here to log into your Auraria Libray account using your CU Denver student credentials
- Click the "Auraria Library Home" tab and search the library catalog for your research topic or click on "Quick Menu" in the upper right corner
- Once on the Quick Menu page, click on "Database List" under "Find Resources"
- Select either History, United States or History, World - choose whichever best fits your research topic
- Browse those databases for your topic, region, or time period and then search the databases using keywords
What is a primary source? Primary sources of information are those that provide first-hand accounts of the events, practices, or conditions you are researching. In general, these are documents that were created by the witnesses or first recorders of these events at about the time they occurred, and include diaries, letters, reports, photographs, creative works, financial records, memos, and newspaper articles (to name just a few types). Primary sources also include first-hand accounts that were documented later, such as autobiographies, memoirs, and oral histories. However, the most useful primary sources are usually considered to be those that were created closest to the time period you’re researching.