Peter A. Kopp

Headshot of Peter Kopp
Associate Professor • Director of Graduate Studies • Co-Director of Public History Program

Office: Student Commons Building, Room AB1 - 3124

Mailing address:
CU Denver History Department
Campus Box 182
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

Physical Location:
1201 Larimer Street
Room 3102
Denver, CO 80204

Spring 2025 Office Hours and Graduate Advising Hours: Noon-1 pm Wednesdays; and by appointment, please email me.

Dr. Kopp is a public historian of the North American West with specialties in the history of agriculture and the environment. His book, Hoptopia: A World of Agriculture and Beer in Oregon’s Willamette Valley (University of California Press, 2016) won the American Historical Association’s Pacific Coast Branch Book Award for first time authors (2017). Dr. Kopp has also written articles and developed public history projects on tourism and the National Park Service, the built environment of the Southwest borderlands, and the “green” activism of the Grateful Dead. Currently, he is preparing a book manuscript on Fabián García, the “Father of New Mexico Chile.” Kopp earned his Ph.D. from the University of Nevada in 2012 and served as the Director of Public History at New Mexico State University from 2012-2019.


Environmental History, North American West, Public History and Museum Studies, and Nineteenth and Twentieth Century U.S. in Global and Transnational Contexts


Hoptopia: A World of Agriculture and Beer in Oregon’s Willamette Valley (University of California Press, 2016). This publication won the American Historical Association’s Pacific Coast Branch Book Award (2017) for the “first book by a scholar who resides within the states and provinces from which the branch draws its membership.”