Immigration Studies Certificate

Immigration Studies Certificate

Immigration and refugee issues are at the center of our modern policy and political debates. The Immigration Studies Certificate offers both traditional academic training through coursework, research and practical experience working with immigrant and refugee communities through an internship. The undergraduate certificate will ultimately prepare students to conduct immigration research, influence immigration public policy, and inform immigrant-related government decisions.

students at job fair Career Possibilities

Together, the Immigration Studies certificate's traditional coursework requirements and the internship requirement will prepare students for future careers in:
              - immigration and refugee service work
              - community organizing
              - government policy-making

The certificate also prepares interested students for graduate study in immigration issues in History, Education, Social Work, Public Policy, and related disciplines.​


Study Topics

Topics of study will include the laws and government policies for controlling immigration and refugee flows and also the economic, cultural, demographic, and political impacts of immigration. ​Ultimately, Immigration Studies seeks to understand ways of promoting understanding between immigrants and receiving communities and methods of safeguarding the dignity and rights of immigrants, migrants, and refugees.

Learning Outcomes 

Upon successful completion of the certificate, students will:

  • Understand the theoretical explanations for immigration flows, immigrant assimilation and exclusion, and ethnic formation and possess a fundamental understanding of the legal and political institutions responsible for immigration policy.
  • Be able to apply the content and methodological skills to engage in original research projects involving immigration topics.
  • Be able to apply the theories and examples from coursework to conduct immigration-focused internships in the workforce.

Requirements - 12 Credits Total

  • HIST 3345: Immigration and Ethnicity in American History

  • HIST 3939: Internship*

*Before taking the internship, students must complete either HIST 3345 or one of the approved electives listed below. 

Immigration Studies students will choose from the following related electives:

  • HIST 4412: Mexico and the United States: People and Politics on the Border
  • ANTH 4300: Migrant Health
  • ANTH 4350: Anthropology of Globalization
  • ETST 3297: Social History of Asian Americans
  • ETST 3697: Contemporary Asian American Experience
  • ETST 3704: Culture, Racism, and Alienation
  • ETST 3108: Chicano/a and Latino/a History
  • EDFN 3000: Undocumented Mexican Immigration
  • PSCI 4545: Immigration Politics
  • SOC 4770:  Advanced Topics: "Race, Culture, and Immigration" 

This certificate is open to all CU Denver Undergraduates, check it out on the CU Denver Degrees and Programs Page. Students may apply for the Immigration Studies Certificate at any point in their studies and maintain a grade point average of at least 3.0 within the certificate courses. To apply, students should print and attach a completed Immigration Studies Certificate Application (included below) to an unofficial transcript. These documents should be submitted to the Immigration Studies Certificate Administrator, Professor Kariann Yokota ( Once the application is approved, students will be contacted about their acceptance into the program.

Immigration Studies Certificate Application

Immigration Studies Internship Procedures