Science and American Foreign Relations since World War II, London: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
"Better Diplomacy, Better Science," China Economic Review 22 (Oct 2011):28-29.
"Religion, Genetics, and the Evolving American Experiment with Bioethics," Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology 3 (Summer 2009): 7-32.
Genes, Minds and Selves: Manufacturing American Science and Spirituality. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag, 2008.
"Biomedicine," Research and Discovery: Landmarks and Pioneers in American Science. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2007. Also: "Cytology," "Deism," "Evolution," "Genetics," "Human Genome," "Molecular Biology."
"Zhores K. Alferov," Nobel Prize Winners Encyclopedia. New York: Salem Press, 2006. Also: "Alan G. MacDiarmid," "Alan J. Heeger," "Jack S. Kilby," "Herbert Kroemer," "Hideki Shirakawa."
"Bioethics," Dictionary of American History, 3rd ed. New York:Scribner’s Press, 2003. Also: "Euthanasia," "Genetic Engineering," "Genetics," "Persian Gulf Syndrome"
Review of Matthew Scully, "Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals and the Call to Mercy," in Science and Public Policy 30 (Feb. 2003): 67-68.
Review of Tom Koch, "Scarce Goods: Justice, Fairness and Organ Transplantation," in Science and Public Policy 29 (June 2002): 236-37.
Review of Mikael Stenmark, "Scientism: Science, Ethics and Religion," in CTNS Bulletin 21 (Win 2001): 30-32.