Greg Whitesides

Photo of Greg Whitesides
Associate Professor CTT

Office: Student Commons Building, Room 3130

Mailing address:
CU Denver History Department
Campus Box 182
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

Physical Location:
1201 Larimer Street
Room 3102
Denver, CO 80204

Spring 2025 Office Hours: 8-9 am Mondays-Thursdays; and by appointment, please email me.

Expertise Areas:
20th Century History; History of Science; US Foreign Policy

Ph.D., History, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2004
M.A., History, University of Colorado, Denver, 1999
B.A., Literature & Technical, James Madison University, 1994

Greg Whitesides has taught at the University of Colorado since 2004 and directed the CU-Denver International Studies Program from 2010-2014. His research focuses on the history of science and US foreign relations, and he has done consulting for the Department of Defense, including the US Army Military Intelligence Museum, the Vietnam History and Legacy Project and the US Air Force Historical Association. Additionally, Whitesides has been interviewed twice by Voice of America and published in international scientific and economic journals while writing two books – Genes, Minds and Selves: Manufacturing American Science and Spirituality (2008) and Science and American Foreign Relations since World War II (2020) – with the latter under contract for a Chinese-language version. He is currently working on a book entitled Determining Authorities: Science, History and the Media in an Uncertain Age.

Science and American Foreign Relations since World War II, London: Cambridge University Press, 2019.

"Better Diplomacy, Better Science," China Economic Review 22 (Oct  2011):28-29.

"Religion, Genetics, and the Evolving American Experiment with Bioethics," Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology 3 (Summer 2009): 7-32.

Genes, Minds and Selves: Manufacturing American Science and Spirituality. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag, 2008.

"Biomedicine," Research and Discovery: Landmarks and Pioneers in American Science. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 2007. Also: "Cytology," "Deism," "Evolution," "Genetics," "Human Genome," "Molecular Biology."

"Zhores K. Alferov," Nobel Prize Winners Encyclopedia. New York: Salem Press, 2006. Also: "Alan G. MacDiarmid," "Alan J. Heeger," "Jack S. Kilby," "Herbert Kroemer," "Hideki Shirakawa."

"Bioethics," Dictionary of American History, 3rd ed. New York:Scribner’s Press, 2003. Also: "Euthanasia," "Genetic Engineering," "Genetics," "Persian Gulf Syndrome"

Review of Matthew Scully, "Dominion: The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals and the Call to Mercy," in Science and Public Policy 30 (Feb. 2003): 67-68.

Review of Tom Koch, "Scarce Goods: Justice, Fairness and Organ Transplantation," in Science and Public Policy 29 (June 2002): 236-37. 

Review of Mikael Stenmark, "Scientism: Science, Ethics and Religion," in CTNS Bulletin 21 (Win 2001): 30-32.

At CU Denver's Auraria Campus​​

Anxiety & Affluence: US since 1929 (HIST 4219/52​)
Globalization since 1945 (HIST 4032/5032)
Introduction to Asian History (HIST 3470/5470)
Modern Chinese History (HIST 4421/5421)
Modern Middle East History (HIST 4461/5461)
Readings in Twentieth Century History (HIST 6931)
Readings in Environmental History (HIST 6931)
Science, Technology & Society (HIST 3606/5606)
Seminar on the Cold War (HIST 6100)
United States History since 1865 (HIST 1362)
United States History to 1865 (HIST 1361)
United States Foreign Policy since 1912 (HIST 4220/5220)
The 1950s: The Korean War and Cold War (HIST 4472/5472)
The Vietnam War (HIST 4475/5475)
Topics in Contemporary Asian History (HIST 3810)

​Taught at the International College in Beijing, China

World at War (HIST 3121)
World History since 1500 (HIST 1026)
World History to 1500 (HIST 1016)