Lab News

Gillian Defense Title Slide

Gillian Ulrich Passed Her Dissertation Defense!

Oct. 20, 2021

Congratulations to Gillian on a successful dissertation defense in May!

Read more about Gillian Ulrich Passed Her Dissertation Defense!

Thesis title slide

Congrats to Stephanie Callan on a Successful Thesis Defense!

Sept. 22, 2020

Congratulations to our own Stephanie Callan for successfully defending her thesis! We are so proud! :)

Read more about Congrats to Stephanie Callan on a Successful Thesis Defense!

title slide

Sydneyjane Roberts Passed Her Dissertation Proposal!

Aug. 28, 2020

Congratulations to Sydneyjane Roberts on successfully proposing her dissertation! We are so proud of you!

Read more about Sydneyjane Roberts Passed Her Dissertation Proposal!

Dissertation title slide

Gillian Ulrich Passed Her Dissertation Proposal!

July 24, 2020

Congratualtions to Gillian Ulrich on successfully proposing her dissertation! We are so proud of you!

Read more about Gillian Ulrich Passed Her Dissertation Proposal!


Happy Graduation & Birthday to Grant Morales!

May 16, 2020

Congratulations (and happy birthday) to Grant Morales on graduating with his BA in Psychology from UCD! We are so grateful for your wonderful contributions to our lab and wish all the best on your future endeavors!

Read more about Happy Graduation & Birthday to Grant Morales!

steph blitz

Stephanie Callan Presents Data Blitz at SPSP

Feb. 28, 2020

Dr. Ranby and Stephanie Callan had a great day at the Social Personality Health Network preconference in New Orleans. Congratulations to Stephanie on a very engaging data blitz presentation!!

Read more about Stephanie Callan Presents Data Blitz at SPSP


Krista Ranby Awarded Tenure!

July 28, 2019

It's official! It is with enormous pride that we congratulate our fearless leader, Krista Ranby, on being awarded tenure in the Psychology Department of University of Colorado Denver!!! You inspire your students in so many ways and we are truly fortunate to have such a brilliant, caring, and supportive mentor...

Read more about Krista Ranby Awarded Tenure!

Kelsey Nogg

Welcome, Kelsey Nogg!

April 16, 2019

The Healthy Couples Lab is excited to introduce our newest graduate student, Kelsey Nogg! We look forward to welcoming you to our little group this fall and wish you the best of luck as you begin your studies in the CHP program! :)

Read more about Welcome, Kelsey Nogg!

Krista presenting

Symposium Presented at SBM 2019

March 9, 2019

The Healthy Couples Lab was pleased to present a symposium at this year’s annual convention for the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Krista Ranby chaired our symposium entitled, “Determining who to target for couples-based health interventions,” which included talks by Gillian Lloyd, Stephanie Callan, Sydneyjane Roberts, and Chloe Huelsnitz of the...

Read more about Symposium Presented at SBM 2019

CHP Holiday Party

Happy Holidays from the Healthy Couples Lab!

Dec. 9, 2018

The lab was feeling merry and bright as we hosted the annual CHP Holiday Party!

Read more about Happy Holidays from the Healthy Couples Lab!
