Development of a Partner Investment Scale

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The Development and Psychometric Validation of the Partner Investment in Health and Physical Activity Scales

Student Initiated Study by: Stephanie Callan, MA

The goal of this research was to assess the psychometric properties of the Partner Investment in Health Scale (PI-H) and the Partner Investment in Physical Activity Scale (PI-A), which were developed to assess the degree to which partners in a couple are invested in one another’s health and wellbeing. Specifically, we examined the reliability and validity of the measure, as well as the measures' relationships with related constructs like social support, social control, and relationship satisfaction. Data was collected using the Qualtrics platform and Amazon Mechanical Turk. This project is complete and the results have been published. Future directions of this project include examining this scale specific to other health behaviors (e.g., sleep, diet) and in other populations (cancer, transition to parenthood), for which data have already been collected.

Presentations Related to this Project:

Callan, S., Ulrich, G. R., Wooldridge, J. S., Roberts, S. V., & Ranby, K. W. (in press). The development and psychometric examination of the partner investment in health scale. Psychology & Health. 

Callan, S., Ranby, K.W. (2021, April). The development and psychometric examination of the partner investment in health scale. Research Spotlight presented at the 42nd virtual annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.

Callan, S., Ulrich, G., Roberts, S., Ranby, K. (2020, February). Partner Investment in Physical Activity: Scale Development within Multiple Populations. Data Blitz presented at the health preconference of the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology in New Orleans, LA.