/* HW 4 -- Propensity scores */ version 16 webuse set "https://perraillon.com/s/" webuse "help_1_stata12.dta", clear set scheme s1mono cd "H:\Teaching\Methods 2020\lectures\Week 4 ps and did\code" log using "W4 ps and did.txt", text replace /// --- Explore rename i1 ndrinks rename homeless intervention label var intervention "1 if received intervention" recode intervention (0 =1)(1=0) tab intervention * keep non-missing for all variables qui reg pcs intervention age female ndrinks drugrisk keep if e(sample) desc /// --- Regression adjustment reg pcs intervention age female ndrinks drugrisk * Different specification reg pcs i.intervention##c.ndrinks age i.female drugrisk margins, dydx(intervention) * Different specification reg pcs i.intervention##(c.ndrinks##c.ndrinks) i.female drugrisk margins, dydx(intervention) /// --- Using a nonparametric model * nonparametric npregress kernel pcs i.intervention age i.female ndrinks drugrisk, vce(boot, reps(100)) * note that interactions are not necessary. If you try, Stata tells you: /* interactions are unnecessary You are estimating an arbitrary function of the regressors. Interactions are accounted for implicitly. */ /// --- teffects ra way ATE * Steps 1 and 2 qui reg pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk if intervention == 1 predict double yhat_t * Steps 3 and 4 qui reg pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk if intervention == 0 predict double yhat_c * Step 5: Difference (contrast) sum yhat_t local pom_t = r(mean) sum yhat_c local pom_c = r(mean) di `pom_t' - `pom_c' * Using teffects teffects ra (pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk) (intervention), ate *teffects ra (pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk) (intervention), ate aeq * same as fully interacted model averaging treatment effects qui reg pcs i.intervention##(c.age i.female c.ndrinks c.drugrisk) margins, dydx(intervention) /// --- ATET * Steps 1 and 2 qui reg pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk if intervention == 1 predict yhat_t1 if intervention == 1 * Steps 3 and 4 qui reg pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk if intervention == 0 predict yhat_t11 if intervention == 1 sum yhat_t1 local pom_t1 = r(mean) * same as sum pcs if intervention ==1 sum yhat_t11 local pom_t11 = r(mean) di `pom_t1' - `pom_t11' * same as teffects ra (pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk) (intervention), atet aeq /// -- Checking overalp sum age female ndrinks drugrisk if intervention ==1 sum age female ndrinks drugrisk if intervention ==0 corr ndrinks pcs scatter pcs ndrinks if intervention ==1, color(red) msize(small) || /// scatter pcs ndrinks if intervention ==0, color(blue) msize(small) /// legend(off) graph export pcs_drinks.png, replace * another example preserve use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r13/bweightex.dta, clear scatter bweight mage if mbsmoke ==1, color(red) msize(small) || /// scatter bweight mage if mbsmoke ==0, color(blue) msize(small) /// legend(off) graph export overlap.png, replace restore /// -- Propensity scores * Estimate the propensity score qui logit intervention ndrinks age female drugrisk, nolog predict double pscore if e(sample) * Calculate statistics to check overlap tabstat pscore, by(intervention) stats(N mean median min max) sum age female ndrinks drugrisk if intervention ==0 & pscore < 0.083 * Plot the propensity score kdensity pscore if intervention ==1, color(red) bw(0.02) /// addplot(kdensity pscore if intervention ==0, bw(0.02)) legend(off) graph export ps_kernel.png, replace * Create weight gen ipw = 1/pscore if intervention == 1 replace ipw = 1/(1-pscore) if intervention ==0 * Compare with weights bysort intervention: sum age female ndrinks drugrisk [aweight=ipw] * Bubble plot scatter pcs ndrinks [pweight=ipw] if intervention ==1, msymbol(circle_hollow) msize(small) /// color(red) saving(bubl_treated.gph, replace) title("Treated") scatter pcs ndrinks [pweight=ipw] if intervention ==0, msymbol(circle_hollow) msize(small) /// color(blue) saving(bubl_cont.gph, replace) title("Control") graph combine bubl_treated.gph bubl_cont.gph, col(1) xcommon ysize(10) xsize(8) graph export buble.png, replace tabstat ipw, by(intervention) stats(mean median min max) sum ipw, det scatter pcs ndrinks [pweight=ipw] if intervention ==1 & ipw > 1.55, msymbol(circle_hollow) msize(small) /// color(red) saving(bubl_treated1.gph, replace) title("Treated") scatter pcs ndrinks [pweight=ipw] if intervention ==0 & ipw > 1.55, msymbol(circle_hollow) msize(small) /// color(blue) saving(bubl_cont1.gph, replace) title("Control") graph combine bubl_treated1.gph bubl_cont1.gph, col(1) xcommon ysize(10) xsize(8) graph export buble1.png, replace /// --- IPW RA with weights * Regression adjustment with weights reg pcs intervention age female ndrinks drugrisk [pweight= ipw], robust ******************************************* * Digression: some intuition about weights preserve * make a smaller dataset so changes are easier to see keep if _n <=20 gen w = 1 * The regression below reg pcs age female ndrinks * is the same as regression in which everybody is given the same weights reg pcs age female ndrinks [pweight=w] * Now suppose we want the 20th observation to count for 10 replace w = 10 if _n==20 * the model below reg pcs age female ndrinks [pweight=w] est sto weighted * is the same as a model that creates 10 replicas of the 20th observation * Stata has a command for that: expand expand 10 if _n==20 reg pcs age female ndrinks est sto expanded_noweight est table weighted expanded_noweight, se stats(N) * The expanded version SEs need to be corrected restore *********************************************** /// --- IPW with teffects ipwra teffects ipwra (pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk) /// (intervention ndrinks age female drugrisk) tebalance summarize *tebalance overid teffects, aeq qui teffects ipwra (pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk) /// (intervention ndrinks age female drugrisk) teffects overlap, ptl(1) graph export ps_kernel_te.png, replace *** improving balance with a more flexible propensity score qui teffects ipwra (pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk) /// (intervention c.ndrinks##(c.age i.female c.drugrisk)) tebalance summarize *tebalance overid teffects ipwra (pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk) /// (intervention c.ndrinks##(c.age i.female c.drugrisk##c.drugrisk)) tebalance summarize tebalance overid * last one seems better * Maybe we should just compare where there is overlap? reg pcs intervention age female ndrinks drugrisk if ndrinks <51, robust reg pcs i.intervention##(c.age i.female c.ndrinks c.drugrisk) if ndrinks <51, robust margins, dydx(intervention) * Could also improve outcome model teffects ipwra (pcs c.ndrinks##(c.age i.female c.drugrisk)) /// (intervention c.ndrinks##(c.age i.female c.drugrisk##c.drugrisk)) /// --- Now that we account for lack of overlap, what is the treatment effct for the * treated teffects ipwra (pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk) /// (intervention ndrinks age female drugrisk), atet * A lot lower and more uncertain (see confidence interval). The treated were healthier /// --- Matching IPWRA by hand reg pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk [pweight= ipw] if intervention ==1 predict double pom_t reg pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk [pweight= ipw] if intervention ==0 predict double pom_c mean pom_c pom_t teffects ipwra (pcs age female ndrinks drugrisk) /// (intervention ndrinks age female drugrisk), pom log close